Established in 2017, We Teach is a project created by St. Paul's school students aiming to teach English to children of under-privileged communities in order to open doors to them through education. We provide weekly, virtual one-on-one lessons designed by our teachers to their long-time students. Currently, we have over 40 teachers giving lessons to approximately 100 pupils in Barra do Una, and at Fundação Alessandro Zarzur (FAZ), a São Paulo based NGO.

Encourage childrens' immersion into the English language
Cultivate affinity for education, especially as our pupils many times do not have the same schooling opportunities.
Creating connections between teachers and pupils while also stimulating community relationships between FAZ, Barra do Una, and St. Paul's.
We Teach is constantly looking to expand the project so as to provide lessons to more children while simultaneously catering to their well-being. We have donated English books, whiteboards and held Easter and Christmas drives to FAZ while also helping victims of the flood at Barra do Una. To contribute to the project so that We Teach can continue with its holiday campaigns and improvement to the project’s outreach, consider making a donation below.
PIX = 3642130@vakinha.com.br